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What Now? Voting After Trump’s Conviction

After Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 counts of fraud and falsified business reports, people nationwide celebrated. But when a presidential candidate is potentially being sentenced to prison, how does that affect the coming election?

Can he still Run for president?

This is the question on everyone’s minds. Can a convicted felon still even run for president? How can we let a criminal in the oval office? The truth is, there are no laws barring felons from presidential candidacy. In essence, yes. He can be convicted on all 34 counts , sentenced to prison, and still could be elected president. So, he is still in the race.

So what now?

All we can do is stay in the know and keep updated on all candidates. It is imperative that voters1 keep up on the news and have the resources they need to make an informed decision when voting in the next election.

  1. Even if you are not of voting age, you must stay informed about current events. ↩︎

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